The guide (middle) who lead our team up, his name is Nelson. 中间的那位是我们的向导,叫尼尔森。 Wilson Chin (me) and the Sarawak/Indonesia border stone 我站在砂劳越与印尼的边界石旁 Borneo Hunter!!! 婆罗洲猎人 Our base camp, stayed here for 2 night. Heavy downpour cause the water to flow forwards my tent, and wet. Can't really sleep at night, one my tent is wet, second very cold. The temp is around 20 degree, and we can see vapor sometime when we talk. 这是我们的大本营,我们在这里住了三天两夜。一直下大雨,我的帐篷内都进水了,潮湿并且冷。两晚都没睡好。当时的气温大概廿度,讲话时可以看见气温喷出来😧💨 THE WHOLE JOURNEY TOOK 3 DAYS ================================= Day 1, hike from village to basecamp, 4 hour. We build camp there, and start to cook for dinner. Day 2, hike from base camp to Kanyi summit, 2 hours 45mins to reach the summit, temp around 19 degree.1574 m above sea level. Stayed there for 1/2 hour and decent again. Day 3, Pack our stuff, and hike about 3hours 30mins to reach the village, and go back Kuching. AFTER THE HIKE =====...
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