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Life in the Kinabalu Mountain Range of Sabah Borneo 2 of 2 婆罗洲,京那巴鲁高原山脉的生活(下篇)

Borneo is a tropical island, its hot all year round, and cold weather for us is a blessing. Every time when I explore to places with cold weather, I tent to get very exited! But in the same time, I will easily get running nose. See through my camera lens on how is the life in the Kinabalu Mountain Range looks like. 在婆罗洲这个热带岛屿,冷气候对我们来说是一个恩赐。每当我到冷气候的地带,我都会特别兴奋。 但是对于怕冷的我,这又是一种折磨。我自己都感觉到矛盾😕。不管怎样,让婆罗洲探险者带你们来体液你这京那高原山脉的生活吧! On my way up to Laban Rata, I'm not alone. On one of the rest stop, there are these cute squirrel welcome me. I let them eat some biscuit.   登山的路程不孤单,其中一个休息站有可爱的松鼠来陪你。这些松鼠不怕生,我把我的饼干给一点它们吃。 5th June 2015, 07.15am local time. A powerful magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck Mount Kinabalu (54 kilometers from the state capital of Kota Kinabalu), cracking roads and buildings in the region and injuring climbers on the peak area. The force of the tremor was so strong that it snapped off one of the two "Donkey's Ear" roc...

Life in the Kinabalu Highland of Sabah Borneo 1 of 2 婆罗洲,京那巴鲁高原的生活(上篇)

Borneo is a tropical island, its hot all year round, and cold weather for us is a blessing. Every time when I explore to places with cold weather, I tent to get very exited! But in the same time, I will easily get running nose.  See through my camera lens on how is the life in the Kinabalu Highland looks like. 在婆罗洲这个热带岛屿,冷气候对我们来说是一个恩赐。每当我到冷气候的地带,我都会特别兴奋。 但是对于怕冷的我,这又是一种折磨。我自己都感觉到矛盾😕。不管怎样,让婆罗洲探险者带你们来体液你这京那高原的生活吧! Behind me is the highest mountain in Borneo, 4095 meter above sea level. 在我背后的十沙巴的神山,婆罗洲最高的山峰,海拔四千零九十五米 This is the Kinabalu Park, its a resort for visitor to stay and enjoy the highland life. It stands at 1563 meter above sea level.  这里是京那巴鲁公元,海拔一千五百六十三米。这里有提供住宿,游客可以在这里体验高原的生活。 Three hornbill birds flew over. 三只犀鸟在天空高昂的飞翔 The temperature here is in between 25 - 21 degree Celsius. 这里的气候介于廿一至廿五度之间,非常舒服。 This is the Balsam buffet restaurant, the food here are extremely delicious.  京那巴鲁公园的餐厅,这里有很好吃的自助餐,来到这里就尽...

Life in the Mesilau Highland of Sabah Borneo 婆罗洲,馬西勞高原的生活

Mesilau highland is about 1500 meter above sea level. Situated near the Mount Kinabalu (highest mount in Malaysia). The tempreture here can reach as low as 19°c degree celsius. The scenery here are breathtaking, its a beautiful place to stay. 馬西勞高原,海拔1500米以上。位于沙巴神山的山脚下。气候常年处于凉爽状态,介于十九至廿五度之间。这里的风景宜人,是一个很美丽的地方。 Due to the cold weather here, the flowers blossom beautifully. I keep on pressing my camera shutter button, try my best to capture all the flowers picture into my camera. Kinda feel like don't want to leave this place, its too beautiful. 由于这里的冷气候,这些花朵都特别漂亮。我拼命的按我相机的快门,一心想把这里的花朵最漂亮的一面拍进我的相机里。有点不想离开这里的感觉,兴奋的不想离开了。 The highest mountain in Malaysia. Mount Kinabalu ( click here to read my climb to Mount Kinabalu ) 马来西亚最高山,神山 ( 点此阅读我登神山的过程 )

Borneo Explorer visit to the Punang Village (Kampung Punang), Lawas, Sarawak 婆罗洲,劳越省的布囊渔村

Punang fishing village is located 12km from the Lawas town. The main attraction here is the long strech warf, the muddy beaches, and its iconic smoked fish (Tahai) which you can get it at the Limbang/Lawas district in Sarawak, Borneo. 距离劳越市中心大概十二公里的车程就是这个布囊渔村。这里的景点有一道长提,这道长提将会由原有的木板转换成 水泥 。这里也有布满泥浆的河口/海边,最后有著名的熏鱼(本地人叫达海鱼)。这种鱼通常只有林梦及劳越省才能找到。 Soon this wood plank jetty will soon be replace with a cement one, which can withstand strong wave and wind.  这个木板长提将会提升变成用水泥的,变成更坚固耐用。 This is a esturay a lot of fish can be catch here especially the Tahai fish 这里是河口,很多鱼儿在这里出没。住这里的人居多都是捕鱼为生。