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Nangga Shanti Trail at Santubong with Wilson Chin

1. How to Go There? Its a bit tricky to go there, so there is this very strait road just down the foot hill of Santubong, before reaching the Park HQ of Santubong. Refer to the picture above :) Then, craw over the road  divider, and you will see a river, and you have to cross that river. The water level is until knee area, so relax and just do it. 2. Do you Need a Guide? There are no guide to hire there, and they have red paint marking on trees, so you just need to stay sharp, and be aware of the red marking you will be fine. However, don't encourage you to hike alone. At least bring 1 or 2 friends along. this is for safety purpose. 3. What will You Encounter? A group of pitcher plants Tinny pitcher plant, fits in your palm Some kind of trap system setup by the hunter Giant vines Abandon bird nets Mango looking fruits that we harvest on in the forest, we eat it, and it taste very sour. Has small seeds, none of us have any...

Climb Mount Kinabalu After The Quake in Borneo Sabah with Wilson Chin 地震后的沙巴,京那巴鲁神山之旅

Climbing the Mount Kinabalu are one of my bucket lists, I was so emotion when I am about to ascend to Low’s peak. Here is my experience on my climb to the highest mount in Malaysia, and some recommendation to help you on your climb there. Let the adventure begins… 登沙巴神山是我的遗愿清单事项之一,当天我还有几米就到山顶,我看着顶峰非常的激动,因为可以完成一个心愿。 这片文章记录了我登神山的经验,也列出一些建议给将来要登神山的你,可以用来参考。 走!冒险开始。。。 Day One 24th December 2015, Thursday, Weather: Sunny, 21 degree Celsius at Kinabalu Park 第一天 二零一五年十二月廿四日,星期四 晴天,气温廿一度,位于沙巴, 京那巴鲁公园 Our team leader Sui Chin sharing his previous experience on climbing Mount Kinabalu, this will be his 5th climb 戴着鸭舌帽的是我们的队长,水清。他拥有很丰富的登山经验,这次将会是他第五次登神山。 Buffet dinner serve at 7pm, all of us had a wonderful dinner. After the dinner, the park ranger also gave us a briefing about the routes info and safety precaution. 晚上七点,自助餐开始。用餐后,向导领队也给我们一些安全与路线的信息 The travel agency which helped us arrange this trip, presented our team a cake to wish us the best of ...