Because of work I had been treating my own body like a rented car for the pass six month, so I decided to give myself one week break, a nice one. Where do I go for the pass one week?
I went to someplace hot, I went to Egypt to visit the Pyramid :P
I pack some clothes, camera memory cards, credit card, sport shoes, book my air tickets and off I go.

I used Air Asia to fly. I heard the stewardess is not as pretty as MAS airline, so this I have to check out myself.

After a few hours of flying, I finally reached my destination. The Pyramid, the weather is hot.

There is nothing to eat at the desert, after few house of walking I found an oasis. There are huge banana, and some other tropical fruits.

After the fruits, I continue with my journey and found this very beautiful palace in the middle of the desert.
I will post up more photos in next post, so compare MAS stewardess and Air Asia’s., Air Asia........I like them all
I went to someplace hot, I went to Egypt to visit the Pyramid :P
I pack some clothes, camera memory cards, credit card, sport shoes, book my air tickets and off I go.

I used Air Asia to fly. I heard the stewardess is not as pretty as MAS airline, so this I have to check out myself.

After a few hours of flying, I finally reached my destination. The Pyramid, the weather is hot.

There is nothing to eat at the desert, after few house of walking I found an oasis. There are huge banana, and some other tropical fruits.

After the fruits, I continue with my journey and found this very beautiful palace in the middle of the desert.
I will post up more photos in next post, so compare MAS stewardess and Air Asia’s., Air Asia........I like them all
Got bring back souvenirs not?:-p
noti wilson hor!?!?
apa pyramid pulak...ming2 ur air asia print screen is showing tickets to kl mar...kekekeek..
i tot u transit at kl to go egypt
*slap head*
Can you post some coverage on this year Kuching Fest? Ease my home sickness :)
ya, good idea ho, should PS the satelite away.
pink cotton -
haha, i should edit the airasia to egypt ler.
anonymous -
sure, i'll be going there tonight :)