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Showing posts from December, 2016

Spat Waterfall Exploration near Sematan Silk Farm 靠近三马丹丝绸农场的瀑布游记

Besides camping, exploring waterfall is my second hobby. Its an enjoyment when I get to swim next to the waterfall, and let the water fall on my back. Its like a free massage to ease away the presure and worries.  除了露营,我也非常喜欢瀑布。可以在瀑布底嬉水对我来说是一个享受,冰冷清凉的水从高处涌下来,打在我背上,可以让我享有自然的按摩,来疏解我一天的压力。 This is a waterfall situated near the Sematan Silk Farm, and behind the waterfall is the Pueh Mountain, which is the 3rd highest mountain in southern Sawawak, Borneo. 这瀑布是坐落在靠近三马丹丝绸农场,瀑布的山后是“ PUEH"山,南砂第三高山。 I like this place so much, but the problem here is littering. I suspect these litter might belongs to the people who visited this place. Mother nature gives us such wonderful present, we have to work together to cheris and protect it, not to make the place dirty. 美中不足之处就是垃圾,应该是在此嬉水的人留下的。大自然给我们的礼物,我们要珍惜。保护大自然,我们人人有责。 Take nothing but photos, and leave nothing but footprint!!! 拜访大自然后,摄影留下回忆,走过留下脚印。千万别留垃圾,或是破坏树林草木。

Rock Garden Mount Murud at Sarawak Borneo 砂劳越姆鲁山的岩石公园

Mount Murud is the highest and sacred peak mountain in Sarawak with 2423 meter above sea level, I treked up Murud Mount and camp at the SIB Church Camp (2,135 metres above sea level). The trek takes us up the northern flank of the mountain, offering a magnificient panoramic views of the surrounding mountain view. The Church Camp is the largest evangelical mountain church in the nation, a pilgrimage site for thousands of people. The church camp is the only place to stay on this adventure.  姆鲁山是砂劳越最高的一座山峰,海拔2423米。我和队友们夜宿在半山腰的教堂,教堂旁边有大约二十多间的木屋,这是给信众们来朝圣住宿的地方。而我们就住在一栋两楼的宿舍,楼下有一间厨房。这里没有水电供应,喝是喝雨水,电有发电机,但是只有教堂有常年的活动时才使用(一年大约三次而已)。晚上气温下降到大约15度。 On my way up to the summit, I pass through a very different type of vegetation, the so called mossy forest, muddy trail route, waterfall ridge, and encounter beautiful carnivorous pitcher plants. What attracted me the most of this the Rock Garden. 往山顶的方向,一路会经过烂泥道,不同的植被森林,苔藓森林。而我最喜欢的就是这个岩石公园,这里有各式各样形状的大小岩石。 The Rock Garde...

Borneo Highland Penrissen Summit Exploration 婆罗洲高原朋里逊峰登山之旅

One of the most prominent highland in Sarawak is the Borneo Highland, its famous for its close to nature resort, the beautiful Indonesia border view point, the Penrissen Mount Summit trail, the misterious Batu Panggah, and its beautiful landscaping near the resort. 砂劳越最著名的高原非婆罗洲高原莫属。这里有一间度假屋,里面的食物只有提供素食。这里也有一个可以遥望加里曼丹边界的景点。还有一座神圣而且神秘的大石头"班亚石",有一片漂亮无比的大草原,还有很多很多。。。 This place also has a few magnificient waterfall, like this Simangas waterfall which can be seen on the way up to the highland resort. 瀑布是我最喜欢的景点之一,这里有几个瀑布可以参观。这个“氏墁卡斯”瀑布就是在你要去高原度假屋的路上就可以看到了。 The Kalimantan viewpoint  如果天气好,没有起雾,你可以看到印尼加里曼丹边界 The different between a millipede and a centipedes is that millipedes have paired legs, while centipedes don't. For this picture, can you tell its a centipede or millipede? 千足虫有两种,第一种是它的脚都是双配双对,而第二种的就是密密麻麻的脚。 Wild orchid on our way to the Penrissen Summit. 在未到达山顶的路上,巧遇这朵漂亮的野胡姬花 Found this gorgeos orchi...

Tanjung Rhu Bako National Park Exploration 巴哥国家公园,禺海角风景,砂劳越婆罗洲

Some of the famous cliff view that I know White Cliffs of Dover, part of the English coastline facing the Strait of Dover and France. Beachy Head, chalk headland in East Sussex, England. Bunda cliffs, at the Eucla Basin that spreads from the western part of South Australia Uluwatu Temple, perched on top of a steep cliff at Bali and now in Kuching we have.. Tanjung Rhu, Bako National park My team and I camp there for one night, when we just reach the place, there is this wow factor. As we can't believe in our own homeland Kuching have such beautiful place. Such breath taking views of the cliff, and the scenery on the edge of the cliff are magnificient. 在世界各地都有比较署名的悬崖海边,就如我所知道的是: 位于多英国海岸线及多佛和法国海峡佛白色峭壁 英国在东萨塞克斯郡,白垩陆岬的海滨头 南澳大利亚西部的尤克啦盆地 巴里岛的乌鲁瓦图寺坐落在一座漂亮的悬崖边 而在我的家乡砂劳越,古晋也有这类的悬崖美景。就是在巴哥国家公园,禺海角。 This Tanjung Rhu, a small penisular on the cost of the beach near Teluk Pandan Besar. A small headland can be view just not far from the rocky beach. 这是一个小半岛...

Batang Ai Exploration with Wilson Chin and Friends 婆罗洲探险者巴当艾游记

Batang Ai, Borneo Paradise... This is the longboat that we use to one of the traditional longhouse along the Ai river (Batang Ai) 这是我们的乘坐的长舟,看来虽然窄小,但是很舒服。 The view along the Ai river (Batang Ai)  巴当艾的风景宜人,水坝里的水面风平浪静 This is our boatman, a very fiendly person. He share with us many of the culture and history here 这是我们的船夫,在这趟旅途中和我们分享了许多关于巴当艾的历史与文化 A bost ride to one of the traditional longhouse along the Ai river (Batang Ai) 巴当艾的溪流上,长舟是唯一的交通工具 Iban longhouse to be seen along the Ai river (Batang Ai) 在巴当艾的溪流上随处都可见到依班族的长屋,多数都是现代化了 Travel upriver to visit more longhouse 船夫带我们到上流,去拜访更多的长屋 According to the locals, the water is yellow because there are logging camp on up stream 根据当地人的解说,溪水是黄色,这是因为上流有伐木公司不断的在开发森林伐木 Manual paddling with bamboo against the water current 当地人利用手力来推动他们的长舟 no electronic here, no mobile reception. Swimming is one of the entertainement here at the...