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Vegetable Noodle, and Night View of Sunday Market

My friend knows that I don’t like to eat vegetable, so she bought me a noodle made from vegetable. She told me that this is good for me health, and the portion is a lot, is enough for two people to eat. But in the end, I still manage to finish all of it. That night, out with friends for supper. I crave for the sio bi at open air, haven’t been there for along time. Yesterday night finally have the chance to eat the sio bi, it was delicious. And after that we went to the Sunday Market where I can get cheap, clean, big, juicy apples. Here is some shoot which I took at the overhead bridge. Kuching is really a beautiful and peaceful city. Vegtable Noodle, people can actually think of any tactic, idea, just to keep their business going. I ate eight, while my friend ate two. On the left side are Satok Plaza, Maybank, and small shotlots. While on the right are Sunday Market. Sunday Market only operate their business on Saturday evening, until Sunday morning. Cars coming from the Satok Bridge,

Panorama @ Genting Highland – The City of Entertainment

Best View with Internet Explorer This is some of the photos that I shoot during my stay at Genting Highland. Photo No.1 Without Uncle Lim, there will be no Genting. I took this shoot while I visit the visitors gallery before I go gamble at Genting Casino. Photo No.2 This is the hotel that I’m staying, the First World Hotel. My friend told me that First World Hotel is the biggest hotel at Malaysia. Photo No.3 Genting scale model, this is the first photo that I took when I reach Genting. So can you see my reflection? Try harder… Photo No.4 This is my favorite photo. I took this shoot at Tower 2, bird’s eye view on the outdoor theme park, and Genting Hotel. Photo No.5 This is my visit to the Hotel Highland, this is how’s the lobby looks like. Photo No.6 This will be the panoramic view inside the First World Hotel. ------------------------------------- So this end up my trip report on Genting Highland. It was a great trip, I enjoy every moment of it. Next year when I go, I will bring alon

My Holiday Trip Report (Three)

Part One is here Part Two is here After the unforgettable trip at Egypt, I then continue my journey all the way to the end of the earth. I went to the North Pole. I meet up with a few Eskimos people, they are very friendly but they don’t understand English, we had to use hand language to communicate. I go fishing with them, they treat me eat ice-cream, and ride polar bear with them. Then I went to Hollywood to meet up with some famous movie celebrities. To have dinner with them, no camera allow, so I didn’t take much photo. After dinner, I was in time for the last flight to England. When I reach there it was 02:15am. All the hotels are fully book, so I have to sleep at the bus stop for one night. The next day, I took at early flight to the United State to visit the Statue of Liberty. She is indeed very beautiful, and tall. God Bless America. After roaming around half of the world, is time for me to go back to my own country, so that night after visiting the State, I fly back to Malaysi

My Holiday Trip Report (Two)

Part One is here I had check in at Sunway Tower, the room rate is RM220 per night with breakfast. Actually I was going to stay somewhere near the city hub, but that night I need to meet up with a friend and he live near to Sunway. After I check into my room I bath, rest, and sleep. The next morning, when I woke up it was almost 1pm, there goes my free breakfast. My appointment is tonight so I still have plenty of free time. I wanted to go to the water world at Sunway where all the sexy girls in bikini were. Just imagine lying under the palm tree, drinking orange juice and enjoying the “nice view” . Just when I was about to go, I saw one of my Kuching friend. The world is too small, we chat and he told me that there will be a function tonight, and would like me to join. At first I was little bit lazy, but when he told me that there will be a lot of “nice view” hm~~I think I will probably go. But it requires formal wear, and I left all my formal clothes at Kuching, under his persuasion

My Holiday Trip Report (One)

Because of work I had been treating my own body like a rented car for the pass six month, so I decided to give myself one week break, a nice one. Where do I go for the pass one week? I went to someplace hot, I went to Egypt to visit the Pyramid :P I pack some clothes, camera memory cards, credit card, sport shoes, book my air tickets and off I go. I used Air Asia to fly. I heard the stewardess is not as pretty as MAS airline, so this I have to check out myself. After a few hours of flying, I finally reached my destination. The Pyramid, the weather is hot. There is nothing to eat at the desert, after few house of walking I found an oasis. There are huge banana, and some other tropical fruits. After the fruits, I continue with my journey and found this very beautiful palace in the middle of the desert. ------------------------------- I will post up more photos in next post, so compare MAS stewardess and Air Asia’s., Air Asia........I like them all

bye bye meow meow town

Will be going to KL for a few days, so I have to close shop for a week. But when I'm back, I will take lots of photos and share with all of you. Till then see ya :)

Behind Side Mirror

The story behind my car side mirror. 06:00pm. On my way back home, what a beautiful clouds formation. 07:57pm. Traffic jam and I was late for my date. 02:08pm. Lazy Sunday evening, it was a cloudy day. 06:43pm. Finish jogging, the sun is setting. 01:12pm. Pick up my friend at the Kuching International Airport 12:21pm. Saturday, work half day. On my way home… 01.53pm. Wait my friend on the bus stop, rain heavily. 12.55pm. Help my auntie to pick up his son at school. Miss the good old secondary school days. 6.32pm. A police car right on my tail. ----------------------------------------- Rocky boy is going back to Limbang today, I will miss him, my best buddy. :`(

my favorite time of the day

best view with internet explorer sunset at Damai beach :) ------------------------ what do u do when your 25 years old?

Rainforest World Music Festival 2006 @ Sarawak Culture Village, Kuching

This year is the 9th Rainforest World Music Festival (7th – 9th July) , my cousin brother Kenny and I had went for the Sunday show. Before that I didn’t plan to go actually, cause I think there is no point listen to a bunch of people play drums, plus they are not famous so why waste the money. But everyone is talking about this festival, it only organize once a year. People around the world are coming for this music event, and the culture village is just like 14minuts drive from town (only if Kenny drive) so I just follow Kenny to the music festival. Kenny pick me up at 10a.m from my hosue, and we first went to the Tun Abdul Razak Hall . An artist name Stephen Bennett was exhibiting his painting at the museum. Some of the picture can cost around USD4000 and higher. He exhibits the portrait paintings of people that he had met around the world including his travels around Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei, and Kalimantan, the theme for the exhibition is called the “Portraits From My World” . His