Today will be visiting the Penang Bird Park. And the place is at Butterworth, so have to cross the mighty Penang Bridge. Dad and mom are so excited, as this is their first time to visit the bridge.

The entrance for the bird park is RM15 for adults, and an additional RM1 if you have a camera. The owner claims that they’re the first establish bird park in Malaysia, and now they’re the largest.

After the bird show, I feel to eating some bird (just kidding). We stumble upon on this stall unintentionally, and why I said if famous is because the customer just keeps on coming, it flows in just like water, nonstop.
The Penang Bridge
We start our journey at around 8.30AM, the road condition today are smooth. I’m not so familiar with the road, and all I had was this map that I get when reached the Penang Airport.
I just follow the signboard and drive where ever it pointed. One good thing is it has an icon of the bridge on the road sigh, so is easy to recognize.
Reaches the bridge like around 9.15AM, and I drive around 70 Km/h. Enjoying the view along the way, while point mom and dad where the second Penang Bridge will be build.
We don’t have to pay toll when drive to Butterworth, we only need to pay when we’re on our way back to Penang Island.
Ok so now we’re at Butterworth, and our next stop will be the Penang Bird Park…
Several Gas Station…
On Butterworth here, there are a lot of express highway. Once you got a wrong turn, you have to drive a long way to get where you started. And this is what happen to me, the map is not that clear, it only label Penang Bird Park at one of the highway, but when I’m driving, there are like 4 – 5 highway in front of me, and the freaking road sign also didn’t state clearly where is that goddamn birdpark.
One thing good is that it has petro station along the way, so what I do is I stop by to the gas station, and ask for direction. The people at the station are also kind enough to point to me where is where.
It took me like almost an hour on the road, going from gas station to gas station, turning from junction to junction; paying toll to another toll (I even ask the toll guy where is that freaking birdpark). Got a bit frustrated, and the bird park better be a good place to visit, else I will be really !@#$!@#!$#$^@!!
Finally the Bird Park
The entrance for the bird park is RM15 for adults, and an additional RM1 if you have a camera. The owner claims that they’re the first establish bird park in Malaysia, and now they’re the largest.
We’re greed by two eagles at the entrance, their leg has been tie, pity bird…
After that, when entering the bird park, the names that I can tell are like owls, peacock, eagles/falcon, ostrich, hornbill, parrots, stork, flamingo, ducks, pigion, craw (penang are full of these birdy) and a bunch of students. Oh… the students are all visitors like my parent and me.
They also have reptiles like snakes, iguana, and crocodile. Talk about snake, when we’re half visiting the place, it starts to rain. Mom didn’t bring umbrella, so we have to take a shelter at one of the pavilion.
Then dad saw a huge cage just next to the pavilion, so he go and check it out. Then he called me to go quickly, he said a huge snake rolling itself there. Mom scare of snakes, so she don’t dare to go close, but dad keep on calling mom to go over. So mom go and have a peak, when mom is near to the cage, she ask “where is the snake?” then dad push mom forward the cage, and make a loud noise to scare mom…lols
Mom then scolded dad, she said she nearly have heart attack. Dad and I laugh at mom…. I should took a picture of mom that time, she looks so funny!!!
There is also a bird show which starts at 11.30AM, but it’s raining so the show had postponed nearly to 12noon.
The show is not as attractive, the lady owners is a bad performer. And the birds that morning also didn’t follow the instruction, so most of the tricks did not perform well. I will give it a 2 out of 10. Booooo!!!!!!
Before we left the park, mom and dad took some photos with the eagle and parrot. I’m scare of their craws, so I will skip…
The famous Hong Kong roadted duck rice
After the bird show, I feel to eating some bird (just kidding). We stumble upon on this stall unintentionally, and why I said if famous is because the customer just keeps on coming, it flows in just like water, nonstop.
I ordered duck rice which is enough for 3 people, and we waited for about 30 minutes for our food to come. But is worth it, because is really tasty. It cost RM30 for that whole big plate.
That’s the best food that I taste so far when I’m at Penang. Next time when I’m here again, if I’m still not a vegetarian, I’ll come back here and eat it again.
After the late lunch, drive dad and mom for a ride at the town area, and go back to rest.
Stay tune for my next travel post…
Penang Trip Day 2 (post 2 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 3 (post 3 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 4 (post 4 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 5 (post 5 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 6 (post 6 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 7 (post 7 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 8 (post 8 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 9 (post 9 of 9)
Penang Trip Report Reports:
Penang Trip Day 1 (post 1 of 9)Penang Trip Day 2 (post 2 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 3 (post 3 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 4 (post 4 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 5 (post 5 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 6 (post 6 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 7 (post 7 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 8 (post 8 of 9)
Penang Trip Day 9 (post 9 of 9)